Military projects: 2003-2024
USAF Travis AFB - 60th AMW 2024
NAS Pensacola - Blue Angels 2023
US Naval Base Ventura - MWDs 2023
US Naval Base San Nicolas Island 2005-2012
US Naval Base San Clemente Island 2007-2011
NAF El Centro - Blue Angels 2012
USS Carl Vinson 2023
USS Arlington - Haiti 2021
USS Iwo Jima - Haiti 2011
USS Bataan - Haiti 2010
USS Makin Island 2014
USNS Comfort Haiti & Nicaragua 2013
US Naval Base - Guantanamo Bay 2010
US Navy Medical Corps - Haiti 2010-2015
US Army Veterinary Corps - Haiti & Nicaragua 2013
US Army Medical Corps - Haiti & Nicaragua 2013-2015
United Nations - Haiti 2010
USS Makin Island
Navy projects
Embed: USS Carl Vinson - FRSCQs 2023
USS Iwo Jima
Embed: Naval Base Ventura: MWD retirement 2023
Embed: NAF El Centro and NAS Pensacola: Blue Angels 2023 Season
Embed: USS Arlington: Haiti 2021
Embed: USS Makin Island 2014: San Diego work-ups
Embed: US Navy base San Clemente Island. Aerial documentation/SEALs training facility - 2016
Haiti earthquake Relief Mission: Embed: USNS Comfort and USS Bataan - Haiti - 2010
Continuing Promise Mission: 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 Haiti and Nicaragua. USS Iwo Jima and USNS Comfort.
Embed: NAF El Centro: Blue Angels 2012
Embed: US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay: Documentation of Haiti Relief - 2010
Embed: US Naval Base San Nicolas Island: Environmental documentary projects 2003-2012
Recognition "Certificate of Appreciation" from Navy Capt. Thomas Negus (Commodore of CP10) for my photojournalism work covering the Continuing Promise 2010 humanitarian mission in Haiti aboard the USS Iwo Jima.
Travis AFB - 60th AMW
US Air Force projects
Embed: 60th AMW at Travis AFB. KC-10 legacy project. 2024
US Army projects
Embed: Continuing Promise Mission 2015 - Haiti. Medical & Veterinary Corps.
Embed: Continuing Promise Mission 2011 - Nicaragua. Veterinary Corps.
USS Bataan
Alan De Herrera is an experienced military, humanitarian aviation photojournalist and writer based in the Los Angeles area. His work has taken him all over the world covering the work of NGOs and the military. His projects have been published in newspapers and magazines such as the LA Times and Orange County Register, Smithsonian Air & Space, Red Bull magazine, Military and Navy Times, the Pensacola News Journal, the Washingtonian, Westways and many others.
With the military, he’s covered the work of the US Navy and US Army since 2010 producing stories around three Continuing Promise Missions to Haiti and Nicaragua, the USS Arlington and USS Makin Island, the Blue Angels, the Navy and Army Medical Corps, Army Veterinary Corps, Navy environmental department along with additional projects.
Previous Navy ship embeds: USNS Comfort, USS Iwo Jima, USS Makin Island, USS Arlignton and the USS Bataan.
Alan also works as an aviation and aerial photographer and writer specializing in High-G air to air stunt photography working with civilian aviation pilots. He recently shot and wrote an article about the first Blue Angel’s fighter jet pilot Lt. Amanda Lee published in the Navy Times, Pensacola News Journal and others. Alan is currently working on a second project with the Blues about Lead Solo pilot LCDR Julius Bratton.
Alan is currently developing projects about the Navy and Army and has also embedded in Ukraine covering humanitarian stories about the war since February 2022.